Being based in west London, we get a lot of requests for commercial EPCs in west London. Being near Heathrow, there are a lot of warehouses and warehouse businesses too. Some of these warehouses can be absolutely massive – our largest EPC on a warehouse was over 24,000 square feet!
Warehouses usually consist of a large open area for the storage of goods, combined with a smaller office space for administration and the workers. Modern warehouse units can have some quite intricate conditioning systems, and separate metering for heating and lighting. In this particular example, we had to enter as much detail as possible to ensure the building met the minimum standards stipulated by the builders contract. The contractor employing us to carry out the EPC was very keen to ensure a B rating was achieved as it would impact on their contract if it was under this rating.
On paper, it should achieve a B rating, as it had been build exactly to the standard set out in the plans, and those plans were up to building regulations at the time. That said, an as built EPC requires lots of documentation to ensure that every energy efficient measure that has been installed is fairly reflected in the EPC. The client was extremely helpful in this case to provide detailed schematic drawings of the building, showing the insulation levels installed and the u-values that had been achieved. We then worked collaboratively to double check that everything that could be included was there. A detailed lighting design was provided too which enabled a highly accurate reproduction of the lighting in the EPC software. Being a warehouse with huge vehicle access doors, we were fortunate to have u and k values for the doors as well.
The end result was a B rating as required by the client. It took a little bit more time than the average EPC, because all of this data had to be very carefully added to the software, but it ensured that the client met their obligations and completed their contract.
Having completed several EPCs on warehouse just like this, many subject to first fit out and contract obligations, we can say that we are quite experienced at getting these kinds of jobs done and getting the right rating for the client. This isn’t a case of manipulating the EPC, it is completing the EPC very carefully to ensure that every possible improvement in the rating is considered. Clients on a project where the final rating is less important will likely not want to go to these lengths to ensure a higher rating and will just want the cheapest and easiest EPC carried out. This always results in a lower rating as many more default values have to be assumed where an EPC like this has specific values to be input.
Date: March 28, 2017